cesarean delivery

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  1. Objective To study the effect of non-language communication on parturient women during cesarean delivery.
  2. Carrying twins increases prematurity risk by 40 percent, odds that worsen with triplets or more. Investigate application of simple and double leaf forceps and vacuum extraction in cesarean delivery
  3. Akbar Risuddin was born to a diabetic mother in a40-minute Cesarean delivery that was complicated because of his unusual weight and size, Dr.
  4. The effect of different dosage of intravenous Oxytocin on parturient during elective cesarean delivery
  5. As she was over forty, the doctor advised a Cesarean delivery.
  6. Comparison of the effects of spinal and general anesthesia for elective cesarean delivery
  7. Obesity and excess gestational weight gain have been associated with multiple adverse perinatal outcomes, including increased rates of cesarean delivery.
  8. None of the other secondary outcome measures were significantly different between groups, including regional analgesia and cesarean delivery rates.
  9. Color Doppler Ultrasound Study on Cerebral Artery Blood Flow Indices of Newborns under Natural and Cesarean Delivery Mode
  10. Clinical Efficacy Observation between Propess and Oxytocin in Term Induced Labor The effect of different dosage of intravenous Oxytocin on parturient during elective cesarean delivery
  11. Two postures of cesarean delivery under combined spinal and epidural anesthesia and its effects on common postoperative complications and breastfeeding
  12. Most previous studies of intrapartum interventions have focused on active labor, showing little effect on cesarean delivery rates.
  13. Effects of 3 kinds of extraction of Foley catheter after cesarean delivery on spontaneously urination Although I feel I have to urinate, it takes a long time before anything actually comes out.
  14. Investigate application of simple and double leaf forceps and vacuum extraction in cesarean delivery
  15. Objective: To investigate the best childbearing that is cesarean delivery in severe preeclampsia ( S-PE) for safe mother and infant.
  16. Elective cesarean delivery and long-term motor function or ambulation status in infants with meningomyelocele
  17. The main cause of perinatal death were fetal intrauterine anoxia in vaginal delivery group and severe complication of PIH in cesarean delivery group.
  18. The infectious rate of cesarean delivery and vagina assistant delivery were 6.80% and 6.29%, respectively, which were significant higher than that of spontaneous labor ( P < 0.01).
  19. Conclusions The characteristics on pain during CSEA for cesarean delivery are different with the changes of level of anesthesia.
  20. Results: Total 7 pregnancies in the seven patients: 3 patients had induced abortion, 3 patients had cesarean delivery-include 2 complete pregnancies had subtotal hysterectomy after cesarean delivery and 1 incomplete pregnancy had cesarean delivery. 1 patient had term birth.
  21. Peritoneal closure at primary cesarean delivery and adhesions
  22. Treatment of the womb cicatricial cyesis after cesarean delivery
  23. Cesarean of Pregnancy with Uterus Myoma A retrospective analysis of 420 women with myomectomy at time of cesarean delivery
  24. Cesarean delivery in the United Kingdom: Time trends in the General Practice Research Database
  25. Methods: The management process of 3 cases of the womb cicatricial cyesis after cesarean delivery was retrospectively analyzed in our hospital in last year.
  26. Cesarean delivery rates and neonatal morbidity in a low-risk population
  27. Objective: To determine whether obesity is associated with obstetric complications and cesarean delivery.



  1. the delivery of a fetus by surgical incision through the abdominal wall and uterus (from the belief that Julius Caesar was born that way)

      Synonym:    caesarean deliverycaesarian deliverycesarean sectioncesarian sectioncaesarean sectioncaesarian sectionC-sectioncesareancesariancaesareancaesarianabdominal delivery